Our Story

Our Story


Derby Hill was originally founded in 1984 with
a vision to reach south Loveland.

Derby Hill has impacted and touched many lives over the last 35 years. But it found itself at a crossroads in its outreach and effective ministry in the community. In light of this, Derby Hill – with united hearts – seized the opportunity to replant with Calvary Family of Churches. In January of 2017, Derby Hill joined Calvary Family Church and began anew.  A great opportunity is at hand for God’s glory to continue to shine forth from Calvary Derby Hill by making Jesus Non-Ignorable in Loveland and to the ends of the earth.

Replanting… what does this mean? Replant? Think of it like this… You were given a plant that was beautiful! Everyone that came to your house complimented you on its size, health, vibrance, and the fragrance was breath-taking. Now one day you noticed the plant was changing. It’s leaves were turning pale yellow and the plant looked slightly withered. You didn’t forget to water it. Maybe someone else watered it too much. Maybe it isn’t getting enough light. You love this plant and you will do whatever it takes to save it! If you don’t act now it is going to die! Quickly you get the plant into a pot where you can get back to the basics. You get good soil in the pot with some quality nutrients. You now can make sure it is getting ample sun shine and water. Deep green color starts to return to the leaves and its strength starts to return. It takes time but it is coming back! Now replace the flower in a pot to a church in a community. This is “replanting.” There is nothing about a dying church that brings glory to God! As Christians, we need to lock arms and fight to stop the trend of the dying churches in our communities. Calvary Church is passionate about doing just this thing!

We are committed to building off the legacy of a church like Derby Hill Baptist Church and seeing God do an amazing work through His church in this community! In the analogy above regarding the plant, you didn’t hear it took loud music, smoke machines or a cool new building to make the plant come back to life. It was getting back to the basics of what the plant needed for health… good soil, fresh water and sun shine. It took a person that loves radically to save the plant. We are in desperate need now of people like this! People that will love the community of Loveland through this new church being replanted out of Derby Hill. Calvary Church Derby Hill needs your prayers and potentially your involvement. Please join us to worship, connect, grow, and share the gospel boldly. Also, we would love to hear from you if you are being led to be a part of this church. We would love to visit in more detail about how good soil, water and sunlight translates to bringing a church back to life. If you would like to visit, just connect with us through email to set up a time to talk.